

Hello and welcome to Rooted Advisors Limited customer support wiki! We are dedicated to ensuring that you receive the assistance you need. Whether it's an inquiry about our services, a technical difficulty, or anything else, we're here to help.

Need Immediate Assistance?

1. Submit a Support Ticket

Use our Customer Care Helpdesk to quickly submit a support ticket. Our dedicated team will get back to you as soon as possible.

2. Email Us

If you prefer, you can reach out directly via email at: Please provide a clear description of your issue or query for faster resolution.

3. Phone Support

Call us at +1 (778) 402-2185. When you hear the prompt, dial option 9. Please note that your support pin will be the last 4 digits of your company phone number. Our representatives will assist you promptly.

Knowledge Base

Explore our wiki sub-pages to find information, guidelines, and troubleshooting tips on various topics:

🧮 Accounting Wiki

👨‍💼 Executive Wiki

👨‍💻 Hardware Wiki

📀 Software Wiki